5 more minutes is the difference between dying and wanting to live again. A million of them have passed as I struggled to survive my existence with Jake, and those 5 minutes were what kept me alive.
5 more minutes, I told myself....then I can do whatever it is that will stop my pain and end my life. When things got so bad that all I could think about was ending it, I forced myself to wait 5 more minutes before deciding. Then when my time was up if I still felt like I had no other option, wait another 5 minutes.
5 more minutes was what 6 years of my life was lived by when I was married to Jake. Almost daily I had to resort to forcing myself to wait just 5 more minutes, it ultimately allowed me to remain in this world just a little longer without giving Jake the very last piece of myself; the seed that is deep inside each of us that contains the structure of what it is to be a human being. For most, 5 minutes feels like seconds, passing by so quick they failed to notice the hands on the clock had ever moved. But for me, 5 minutes were long, drawn out and agonizing; each second that ticked by was like a grenade going off inside my head. I can still hear each one passing by, "tick-boom!" "tick-boom!" tick-boom!" Imagine hearing that 300 times for every moment in your day that you needed just 5 more minutes to make it through.
Maybe this is where my disconnect from time comes from because each second was like a minute, each minute like an hour. After being freed from my life with Jake I have been unable to connect actual time with the clock in my mind. Time is something that I struggle with daily and is a constant reminder as I have to set alarms for just about everything I have to do for the day or I lose track so badly that I have found myself losing an entire day without being present to it. For the first time since Jake, I no longer feel forced to wait 5 more minutes because my life no longer feels that close to being extinct for me. Yes, I have had to use this method to get through painful things like the grief of losing my beloved Pit Bull Gracie who was killed by my father in law. I have used 5 minutes to manage the grief of losing Jake after he pushed himself his wheelchair in front of a truck, getting stuck underneath the Toyota 4-Runner that drug him for over 100 yards before the driver realized that he was underneath it. I have used 5 more minutes to find acceptance in my friends choice to confide in me that he intended to end his life and wanted me to take his things and be the one who was there to help his family after he was gone. 5 more minutes was what it took after my father died and the reality of what he went through the last year of his life set in for me. And it was also what got me through the grief and shock of my fathers best friend, a man like a brother to me who took his own life this year by taking my fathers pills that had been left at his place. He was found holding onto the last letter I had written to him, surrounded by the photos of my father that he had asked me to mail him, and wearing daddys treasured silver watch with the Ford emblem etched into it. This has been the last 5 years of my life that has been survived by just 5 more minutes.
Even as I a writing this I am questioning who I have been for all of those 5 minutes of time. The person I envision as I write is far different from the person that I feel I am in actuality. Behind my keyboard as I type I am aware that who I am being in this moment is not who I am being while in the presence of others. 5 more minutes may have extended my physical presence but it has created the fact that in person I have become very skilled at appearing to be more in control and ok than I truly am. I feel this may be a very bad thing for me because in situations such as my sessions with Jack, I find it easy to appear "gathered" and not falling apart wreck of a spirit that I am actually feeling on the inside. I am very much a people pleaser, accommodating those around me so as to not make waves. And while who I am being during my sessions is a version of me, I am realizing that I don't have to be the sugar coated version of myself for Jack and need to perhaps brush some of it off and be more genuine in my pain.
In just 5 more minutes I will.......