Sunday, January 31, 2016

Educating myself

Sunday January 31, 2016

JS advised that I do some of my own research before beginning my sessions so that I have a clear idea of what exactly I am subjecting myself too. There are tons of websites that offer information about what Neurofeedback is, I found wikipedia to have the most condensed descriptions that offered a range of disorders affected by neurofeedback and felt that I understood the concept the easiest after browsing their info. Here are some key points to neurofeedback should you express an interest in knowing more as well as a link to their website.

Neurofeedback (NFB), also called neurotherapy or neurobiofeedback, is a type of biofeedback that uses real-time displays of brain activity—most commonly electroencephalography (EEG), to teach self-regulation of brain function. Typically, sensors are placed on the scalp to measure activity, with measurements displayed using video displays or sound. It is a type of biofeedback that measures brain waves to produce a signal that can be used as feedback to teach self-regulation of brain function.Neurofeedback is commonly provided using video or sound, with positive feedback for desired brain activity and negative feedback for brain activity that is undesirable. Related technologies include hemoencephalography biofeedback (HEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) biofeedback. 

What peaks my inerest the most is the broad range of disorders as well as non medical uses that Neurofeedback has an affect on. The fact that it is virtually symptom free from side effects and produces results without medicating you are the biggest reasons that this therapy excites me. You would be amazed at how many doctors or therapists believe that medicating a patient is the answer to the successfully treating mental wellness or any other disorder or sickness for that matter. I have personally been told that because I choose to go without accepting prescription pills, that I must not want to get better or feel well. This couldn't be further from the truth for me, I simply want to feel the pain of progress because that is how I will know if things are working or if I need to change what I am doing if I don't like what I feel. 

Medication is like a band-aid over the wound, it covers it up as long as you have the band-aid on but underneath it the wound is still deep and sometimes infected though you cannot see this on the outside. If you left the wound with nothing more than just a band-aid over it and it was the worst wound you had ever experienced, do you think that it would be enough to fully heal itself the right way. leaving no scar and no residual pain? This is how I feel about taking medications for your wellness, it masks the symptoms of your disorder but still lies dormant within you and the moment you stop the pills, it is like a damn has been lifted because all of the untreated issues will surface once again and you will be forced to deal with them. Personally, life and those in it make our lives much harder than necessary already, why subject yourself to even more challenges than need be? Lesson for today....Work Smarter not Harder!!

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