Sunday, October 2, 2016


October 2, 2016

The two year anniversary of daddy's death is just 3 short days away and has me more emotional than ever. I miss him everyday and think of him at least a dozen times throughout always wishing that he was still here to experience his grandchildren and family. It makes me think about death, and life and I have grown so much since he has been gone. I realize now that there are more certainties we as people will share with one another than we know. These are the certainties I now recognize as being shared by all who are fascinated me to have this insight and I wanted to share. 

- We are all brought into the world with the help of others, nobody can ever do life on their own no matter how alone you think you are.
- We all learn everything we know from something or somebody so look at each as an opportunity to gain knowledge everywhere you go and everyone you meet. Never stop learning
- We will all be hurt, and we will all be the one that does the hurting at some point. There is no way to avoid this so we need to realize that when we are the ones being hurt, 
 - We will all feel at least once in our lifetime, that we are not good enough. Be the one that tells yourself that you are, don't wait for others to validate you why wait when you can easily tell yourself "hey, I am good enough" 
- We will all experience fear in one form or another and will know what it feels like to be comforted when we are afraid. Be the one who comforts someone else who is in fear, remember what it felt like for you when nobody was there and fill that void if you can
 - We all want to feel love and acceptance, even the hardest of hearts will have felt this at one time. Be loving  and compassionate towards others, we don't have to know people to know that we love all who exist. Putting it out there will have affect enough, try it.  
-We will all lie at least once in our lives, some may mean too others may not but we all will do it. Remember why you did the next time someone lies to you, it is usually out of fear that we lie. We fear being caught, being judged, being punished.  

Everything I think about comes back to one principal, one simple thing that when given frees you and frees the other person, when not given can create a lifetime of anger and pain, taking up precious time and space in your heart. That one thing is FORGIVENESS, all of these reasons can be opportunities to live a better, more free existence allowing your heart to be open to love rather than hate. Forgive those who:

- Act above you
- Abandon you
- Hurt you
- Ignore you
- Hate you
- Mock you
- Tear you down
- Put you down
- Fail you
- Leave you behind
- Step on you
- Keep you down
- Deceive you 
- Lie to you
- Take from you
- Disappoint you
- Anger you

I choose to forgive the woman who took my dad's life, I have to because if I don't then until I die I will carry hate and anger in my heart and that will leave no room for the beautiful things life still has in store for me. I don't want to waste that precious space in my heart on her, she has already taken an important part of me why would I want to give her the rest of me? I don't so because of this, I forgive you Veronika for taking my father;s  life, for stealing away a little girls dad and friend. I forgive you and I let go of all the anger and hate in my heart for you and what you have done. I forgive you. 

1 comment:

  1. Chelle,

    I am moved by your insights. I honor you and the pain that is teaching you the lessons you are learning. I have an additional perspective for your consideration:
    Even more important than forgiving Veronica is forgiving yourself. My perspective is that you have not forgiven yourself for not measuring up as a little girl; not measuring up as a wife; not measuring up as a mother. Forgiveness is not for others but for ourselves. It is the only way that we can put the burden of guilt and shame down and not carry it forward like a ball and chain. How can we authentically forgive others if we do not have the courage and capacity to have self empathy and forgiveness?
    I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Take very good care of yourself!
